What to expect?
Thank You! all for the great responses.
Yesterday, I purchased some pond testing strips, that test for Ph,
Hardness, Nitrite/Nitrate, and alkalinity. Just to try them out, I
used one. The results indicated that the water is ideal. I was
planning on testing weekly. I also am very interested in the cycling
process, and was planning on charting the data (also temp.) along with
picures and notes. Also, I have gotten into the habit of filling a
gallon jug with water and leaving it outside, to dechlorinate, so I
could do "topping offs." It gets awfully hot here in Arkansas and it
seems I'll need to do this often. I am planning weekly, partial (10 -
15%), water changes. I am not so sure that just leaving the water to
sit outside for a day before adding it removes the Chlorine. I am
worried about buildup. Should I have scheduled addings of DeChlor? Can
I use a pool strips to test for Chlorine?
With the two plants that I asked about needing to be repotted, I was
worried that fertilizers or other chemicals harmful to fish may have
been used that would leach into the pond. I just pulled them out of
their pots and put them into aquatic pots, filling around them with
aquatic soil. All the plants seem to be doing exceptional. I have
trimmed the dead and broken foliage, and the yellow that was on the
leaves of a few of them has completely disappeared. Hopefully, the
Lily bud will reopen. If not, there is always the Iris to look forward
You were right, it seems, about the fish being in shock from being
transferred to a new environment. They have really become active. I
only feed them once a day, a couple pinches, for my own amusement. I
am sure they get plenty to eat, being outside. Does anybody else have
Pearl Scale Goldfish? They are such a joy to watch. Their combination
of elegant looks, and rotundity is just about absurd. I live in a city
environment, so I am not so worried about raccoons. I am worried
however, about feral cats. There is a large population of strays in my
neighborhood. The water is deep, and there are plenty of plants, so I
am confident the fish would be able to get to safety. Has anybody else
had a similar problem?
Thanks Again