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Old 17-06-2003, 06:08 PM
Kevin Carbis
Posts: n/a
Default Applying mortar over the liner?

I've just unfurled the EPDM liner in the new pond, 30' x 40' and
nearly 500 pounds. I've had a professional pond builder out a few
times for consultation and he has something of an odd recommendation
that I am struggling with. In his ponds, he installs an additional
layer of fabric over the liner, then adds a layer of chicken wire and
coats the entire pond surface with mortar. He applys two coats, a
base coat that is 3/4 to 1 inch thick followed by a "tint" coat that
colors and smooths the surface. I don't mind doing the extra work if
it is worth doing. I like the idea of protecting the liner (racoons
around here) and hiding the folds under mortar. But here is my
concern. Liner is thick, the folds generate air pockets which I will
be mortaring over. Once the pond is filled, won't the pressure of the
water against the sides compress those pockets, weakening the mortar
and causing it to crack and crumble. While I don't mind the added
effort, I do mind having pockmarked walls with exposed chicken wire.

I'd be curious to hear peoples thoughts on this idea.

Thanks in advance for your time and happy ponding,
Northern California