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Old 17-06-2003, 07:44 AM
~ jan
Posts: n/a
Default catfish food for koi :-)

Ditto, I'm with Ingrid & Greg and don't have anything more to add to the
discussion except, did you happen to see the Mallard Filmore Cartoon?

**Goldfish in a bowl saying: "Apparently, America has an "overweight-pet"
problem.... It doesn't affect me.... I'm on the "eat too much and they find
you floating upside-down.... and flush you down the toilet" diet. **

That's a keeper for the frig, along with the summer of Zits cartoons when
the 2 teen males decided they could make money digging koi ponds, course
they had to first find out what a koi was, and why it needed a pond. )
~ jan

On Tue, 17 Jun 2003 02:48:58 GMT, "Gregory Young"

Ingrid, I hope you are sitting down, as this time you and I agree on a
topic! (I mean that in a positive way, not negative, just to clarify).
Food quality does matter!
Yes, any animal can survive, eating almost any non harmful foodstuff,
regardless of its nutritional value. The animals will grow, mature and
eventually die, just as others eating a different more balanced foodstuff.
Size though can be deceiving. Just look what is happening in this country
with obesity. It is a national epidemic.
Medical studies have shown its not just lack of activity (esp. in
children/young adults), nor is it just the amount of food consumed (total
daily caloric intake) but it is related to the quality of our food.
Fats in the diet don't lead to obesity anywhere near as much as some of the
carbohydrates do!
In mammals, fats are utilized primarily for energy. If there are not fatty
calories available, then stored carbohydrates are utilized.
Excess carbohydrates are stored as fat, once glycogen storage is maxed out.
As most USA diets have excess calories, the excess is stored as adipose
tissue (fat) for later use by the body when there is inadequate caloric
intake to meet energy needs (which rarely occurs in the average US diets
hence the obesity).
Yes kids grow into adults, and they are big and seemingly healthy (like our
fish), yet many are getting early cancers, heart disease, many have more and
more immune related issues like asthma, chronic sinusitis, etc, etc, which
we (the medical profession) finally have realized has a major dietary
component to it, in addition to genetics.
So how does this relate to fish?
I am not an expert of fish food. I do know the percentages of components
that should be in a good quality diet; the difference between the sources of
lipids (fats), (with fish oil being preferred); the differences between
digestibility of various heat stabilized vit C products; as well as
understanding the facts behind the hype about color enhancement and immune
stabilizing additions; etc, etc., but I am not a breeder/commercial grower,
and have not had the experience some in this NG have.
That being said, I have read quite a few articles on feeds available, and
growth studies etc. None of them however, at least any of the ones I have
seen, address long term health/longevity.
At a wet lab Dr. Johnson stated, (and I think he probably has written this
somewhere I am quite sure), that when evaluating the causes of "swollen
belly" in Koi (vs. dropsy which has a whole different set of causes, and you
usually call immediately tell the 2 apart as in dropsy the scales stand out
away from the body) the most frequent cause of "swollen belly" he has seen
is fatty liver, due to poor diet, specifically "due to feeding of catfish
food to Koi". That is his quote and his opinion, based on his aquatic vet.
practice for the last 12 years, not mine. It makes sense though, although
granted it is anecdotal.
BTW, The other causes of "swollen belly" are fecal/roe impaction, cystic
kidney, tumor, abscess, etc.
I'm not saying you need to buy $20 per pound fish food!!
I am saying I would rather buy a few higher quality feeds, mix them for a
varied diet (along with household veggies, etc), and feed less in total
calories, than to feed more calories of a lesser quality food that has
proteins, etc that may not be as efficiently utilized, which results in
fatty deposition in the liver and in the belly.
Size and speed/amount of growth are not necessarily synonymous with health
and longevity.
All that being said, I think are plenty of high quality foods available,
with prices that vary. I would not recommend any one brand, as I have never
seen a head to head comparison of foods reviewing their impact on the above
factors (health (immunity issues), and longevity)
Happy ponding,

"~ Windsong ~" wrote in message
In the last chapter: DesertPond picked up the keyboard and pecked out:
:: Anyone in Arizona know a feed supplier that carries Catfish food?
:: My guys are getting bigger and my wallet's getting thinner. :-(
Check on the net or your Yellow Pages for any feed or farm equipment

in your area - start calling around! The place that sells it closest to

is Tractor Supply.

See my ponds and filter design:

~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
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