Centipede Invasion! Help!
I seem to have been invaded by centipedes this year! While I can deal with
them outside, as I'm sure they serve some useful purpose, I simply cannot
stand having them inside my house!!!!!
Does anyone have any suggestions??? I bought some "bug stuff" and sprayed
the baseboards of my house, but it's had only minimal effect on these
Are they hatching inside and trying to get out? If so, who's their mama? I
want to meet her & deal with her.
I know they can swim (don't even bother to ask me how I figured that one
out), but do goldfish eat them? (just wondering, not that keen on
transporting centipedes to water garden unless it involves use of a
*serious* water pistol -- or getting really, really creative with the
trusty shop vac!)
Anne Lurie
NE Raleigh
just follow the teeny little footprints , , , ,