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Old 17-06-2003, 12:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Need 40' Trench Dug

Assuming it's soil & not rock, seems to me that just one set of diggers
pulling would be less force than a full set pulling. In the past, when I
have removed all but two sets, it was much easier. One set would be
off-balance - will just have to try it some day. Possibly using two sets,
the ends turned in?

"animaux" wrote in message
It wouldn't work. You will be pulled all over the place. Trench diggers
generally have closed loop, chain driven tines.

On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 12:48:37 -0500, wrote:

Anyone ever tried removing all but "one set" of arms from a
tiller & running it super deep? That is, your tiller would kind of look
one of the old steel bladed edgers.

I "think: it would dig a 12" x 3" ditch just fine.


B.Server wrote in message
.. .
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 07:56:28 GMT, Mapanari

You wouldn't, by any chance, work for the City of Austin or a large
utility company, would you? This sounds like my young neighbor who
is still in his "everything, but everything, must be done with the
biggest possible motor and greatest number of (POWERED!) tools" phase.
I believe that his toothbrush most likely is powered by a 6 Hp B&S.

If you are in solid rock, nothing that you rent or buy is going to
help. If not, spend a couple of your hours or hire someone who does
manual work (and save your hands) to spend the couple of hours with a
sharpshooter and be done with it.



I think this guy is trolling for a moron...

One time Capital Costs:

Trencher $1,200-$5,000
Ditchwitch $700-$3,000
Trailor to carry it: $300-1,200
Trailor hitch to pull it $100
Vehicle: $10,000 - $20,000

Job Costs:

Driving time:ave del chrg $ 60
Labor 4 hours: $25 an hour $100

So the real price to get someone to do that would be, factoring in
depreciation and equipment costs, about $300-$500.

But hey! $50 sounds really good. Let me get my trencher hooked up

be right over!