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  #32   Report Post  
Old 16-06-2003, 09:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Default catfish food for koi :-)

This is an incorrect statement. I am not now, nor have ever been in the business of
selling high priced koi or any other kind of food. Jo Ann is a friend that I can
recommend for certain products. Most of the time when I recommend Jo Ann it is for
people with sick fish to call her for help, which is free. I recommend AES or "that
pet place" 95% of the time for fish related products.
I pay for the food I buy from Jo Ann and I have the credit card slips to prove it. I
have no financial arrangement of any kind with Jo Ann, I get no money or goods as the
result of my recommendations from Jo Ann, from AES or from "that pet place". I, my
list, my website do not get a SINGLE PENNY from any seller of any product at all.

"~ Windsong ~" wrote:
Ingrid and Joann are in the business of selling high priced koi food

List Manager: Puregold Goldfish List
Solve the problem, dont waste energy finding who's to blame
Unfortunately, I receive no money, gifts, discounts or other
compensation for all the damn work I do, nor for any of the
endorsements or recommendations I make.