To Feed or Not to Feed GF
Robert Ramirez wrote:
Could someone tell me if Goldfish are supposed to be fed. I've been
feeding them for about 2 weeks and the water on my 3 week old pond
has started turning greenesh. I've read other similiar post that
recommended not feeding them for awhile and to make sure there's
plenty of filter plants. I went out yesterday a bought 4 more water
plants and 3 tadpoles. But my concern is that the fish won't get
enough to eat. I have 12 comets and 1 fancy goldfish. Can someone put
my mind at ease. TIA
On the one hand, providing the pond isn't overstocked, the fish will usually
find ample food, live meat & veg, without extra from you.
On the other hand, it's fun to train them to come and be hand-fed.
Just don't over-feed or leave excess food to rot.
But green water on a new pond is a given, especially if its been filled with
tap-water. What you could do is wait until the plants are growing well (to
compete with algae for nutrient), then kill the algae with GreenAway or
similar, pump out the sludge (or it rots down to make more nutrient) and top
up with rainwater.