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Old 15-06-2003, 09:08 PM
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Default BBC Gardeners World Live

Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer ^W^W^W^W uk.rec.gardening, I
heard Fenny say...
Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer ^W^W^W^W uk.rec.gardening, I
heard Serena Blanchflower say...
On Thu, 12 Jun 2003 18:18:15 +0100,
(Fenny) wrote:

Say hello to the nice people by the Warwickshire College "Evolution"
garden and admire my black paintwork on the spiral wall.

As seen, albeit briefly, on GW last night. How did it do in the
judging? I could see the card in the background, but we weren't told
what it said!

They got a silver. It looked an awful lot better with the plants and
everything in than it did when we were lining the pond with sand. All
the people I spoke to said that they liked it.
Fictitious Facts of the Day - from a list by Andrew Burford
#65: The Duke of Wellington never wore wellington boots because he
didn't like the colours they came in.