~ jan JJsPond.us wrote:
I agree w/Joe, the description claims it only sprinkles about 2 cups of
water per time. ~ jan
On Sat, 14 Jun 2003 14:52:57 -0700, joe wrote:
Bonnie Espenshade wrote:
I've been thinking of getting one. The only problem is that
the water normally is softened, unless I put it on by-pass.
If I need water during the day, I'd have to keep putting the
by-pass on and off. That would get tiring fast.
Would it be okay to have it operate with softened water?
The ground hog has started visiting the vf once again and I
think a Scare Crow would keep it away.
Unless you have a constant attack by the evil heron, I don't think the brief
spurts of the scarecrow would create a problem for the water.
See my ponds and filter design:
~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
To e-mail see website
Looks like I'll be placing an order soon.