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Old 15-06-2003, 12:44 AM
~ Windsong ~
Posts: n/a
Default catfish food for koi :-)

In the last chapter: Phyllis and Jim Hurley picked up the keyboard
and pecked out:
:: You know, people who sell expensive, 'ideally formulated' food for
:: our European carp (Koi) are not going to be pleased with the tenor
:: of this group.

** That may be. But this is NOT a commercial group for people pushing their

I wonder if there are studies that would formally
:: compare the expensive to the cheap foods and would look at fish
:: health longitudinally on both foods.

** I personally know of no such study. After seeing that man's goldfish
and older koi in such great condition I knew Catfish food was the way to go.
Then I kept hearing about people buying it because, like myself, they felt
ripped off paying $5, $10 and more a lb for the "koi" foods.

I suspect that carp in
:: european rivers were pretty flexible in their feeding habits and
:: that it may have been hard for them to get the high protein diets
:: we feed...don't know, just a guess.

** That *is* hard to know. I'm sure they fed on almost anything edible as
our koi still do today.
Ponding on the cheap........