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Old 14-06-2003, 01:56 PM
Phyllis and Jim Hurley
Posts: n/a
Default catfish food for koi :-)

You know, people who sell expensive, 'ideally formulated' food for our
European carp (Koi) are not going to be pleased with the tenor of this
group. I wonder if there are studies that would formally compare the
expensive to the cheap foods and would look at fish health longitudinally on
both foods. I suspect that carp in european rivers were pretty flexible in
their feeding habits and that it may have been hard for them to get the high
protein diets we feed...don't know, just a guess.


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"~ Windsong ~" wrote in message
.. .
A few years ago there was a discussion here (I think it was here) about
feeding koi and large goldfish catfish food. I remember all kinds of dire
warnings. We pay $10.99 for a 50 lb bag of catfish chow here in TN. If

buy koi food it runs around $35 for a small 10 lb bag. The koi are

big and really pack the food away now. After 3 years I can attest to the
fact that koi THRIVE on this food as do all the goldfish. I do buy a
smaller pellets for the smaller fish.

There's been no disease or parasites since we've started using this food,
and also LymnoZyme a few times in early spring. Every single fish

the winter.
"War does not determine who is right,
war determines who is left."