Lee Valley Tools -
www.leevalley.com has a neat transparent vinyl window decal called the Warning Web that is printed with a spider web pattern that birds naturally recognize as a hazard and avoid. The web web features a concentrated white zigzag pattern known as a stabilimenta, which scientists believe spiders use to effectivly deters birds from flying through their webs. It works on static so you can put it either inside or out and it is about $3.95 plus shipping......... hope this helps the red bird will cease the door assault when he finds a mate and doesn't feel so threatened.
hope this helps!g
"Tom Engel" wrote in message ...
Can anyone tell me how to stop a crazy red bird from hurting our front door with his pecks and beating against the large picture windows? He is pitting the new brass plate on the door and driving me crazy with his pecking. Suggestions welcome? Linda