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Old 04-02-2003, 10:16 PM
Penny Morgan
Posts: n/a
Default Planting new rosemary bush/shrub

Just make sure the area has good drainage - no standing water and full sun
and you should do fine. I had a rosemary bush that grew very big, very fast
and had to leave it when I sold my house this past summer. I loved just
walking by and rubbing it to smell that fragrance. I also cut many branches
and laid them in a glass bowl with a candle in the center in my master
bath - just replaced with fresh when they completely dried up.

I also had mine near the house, so it was sheltered from harsh weather. I
would wait until the frost cutoff of April 15th to plant it and let its
roots get established into the summer. It is perennial here; so once it's
established, it will thrive on its own. I added compost every 6 months to
my gardens and that's probably why he was so happy. In spring, the local
nurseries should be well stocked with rosemary and other herbs (basil is
another favorite of mine). I'm in Raleigh, NC. Good luck.

Zone 7b - North Carolina
"Anita Blanchard" wrote in message
Hi Folks--

I just moved from Los Angeles to Charlotte, NC. I am interested in

a rosemary bush/shrub at my house here. I became very spoiled having

rosemary at my beck and call in LA! When should I plant it out here?

from looking for a very sunny spot, are there other things I should

about where I plant it!?
