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Old 08-06-2003, 07:56 PM
Archimedes Plutonium
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Default superior farming when 2 cash crops Renewable Farming(with

Archimedes Plutonium wrote:

I have a yellow blooming legume in my vegetable field where I am experimenting.
It is not alfalfa but resembles it very much. It is great because
when I mow it helps this legume to take over more and more of the field.

It is Trefoil. Some call it Birdsfoot Trefoil. It is a legume that is perfect for
mowing just as clover is perfect because it thrives under mowing conditions.

Does anyone know whether you can have wild growing trefoil and have
wild growing clover that does not fix nitrogen? The reason I ask is because
someone said an inoculate of rhizium bacteria are needed in seed
applications. I find it difficult to believe that entire patches of wild growing
legume would not be having nitrogen nodules with the proper bacterium.

I suppose I could always dig up a few plants to see if they have nodules
and replant them.

Has anyone researched whether a field of thriving legumes exists and yet
does not have the benefit of nitrogen fixing?

Trefoil and clover are perfect plants for the Mowing Method of farming.

I suppose one can have a mower with a bag attachment and mow his/her
20 acres and sell the clippings. And the row crops never need fertilizing
because the legume strips provide all the nitrogen needed. And never
need herbicide. And never need to plow the field dirt raw and bare.

Just the other day I heard of the concern of nitrogen into the nation's
water where fish live and that the farm runoff is so bad on fish.

Well, if all farming were to convert to the MowerMethod, then there would
never be any application of herbicides. There would never be any application
of fertilizer. There would never be any need to yearly plow and to expose
topsoil to erosion ending up in the Gulf basin. Farms would have at least
2 cash crops of the legume feed and of the crop rows. And the consumption
of petrol in farming would be cut to a minimum. About the only petrol used
in farming would be the 9 or 10 times a season that the field strips are mowed.
A lawnmower to mow 20 acres for 10 times a season uses a fraction of the petrol
that a tractor would take per season.

The USA is not going to switch to the MowerMethod of farming from its
current Petrolbased farming any time soon. But Europe can make the switch
immediately and eliminate the European subsidy on farming. The subsidy on
farming worldwide is because the world is losing its petroleum resource and
as petrol goes higher and higher, farms cannot be using petrol but must return
to Renewable-Agriculture. If the USA government overnight proclaimed no more
farm subsidies then all USA farmers would be returning to Renewable Agriculture
such as the MowerMethod.

Archimedes Plutonium,
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies