Scale insect.. Product based on rapeseed any good?
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08-06-2003, 02:32 AM
Janet Baraclough
Posts: n/a
Scale insect.. Product based on rapeseed any good?
The message 1fw7g4u.zndl10993gn4N%00senetnospamtodayta@macunl
(Jim W) contains these words:
Has anyone used the product based on rape oil on scale insect with any
success? I believe it is basically supposed to suffocate them. How do I
tell if this stuff has worked? Do dead scale look significantly
different from live ones?
The other day I noticed that my corynocarpus houseplant had a bad
attack of scale insect. I took it outside and gave every leaf a good
blast with the hosepipe, front and back, then rubbed off any tenacious
surviving scales with my finger and nail. By the end of it I was very
wet but the plant had no more scale insects; I'll repeat if more appear.
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