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Old 08-06-2003, 12:08 AM
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Default bindweed barrier

My lot borders a farmer's field and I seem to be getting a lot of bindweed.
I put in a row of rugosa roses at the front of my property hoping to have a
nice hedge and barrier but so far this hasn't happened. The rugosas have
not filled in as I thought they would (it's been a few years) so I have a
lot of bindweed in the roses and the rest of the area I had hoped to clear
for some perennials. Not nice, believe me. I'm not sure what to do. Is
there anything I can put down to keep the bindweed (and other weeds, for
that matter) in the farmer's field. Are the rugosas a bad idea? Should I
start over with something else? Is there other hedging that would be a
better barrier. I didn't want anything too tall as it is at the front of my
property and I don't want to obstruct the view. Any thoughts?