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Old 07-06-2003, 08:32 PM
Archimedes Plutonium
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Default superior farming when 2 cash crops Renewable Farming(with

Now already I have come across a problem when using concreteblock in the
Mower Method of farming or gardening. Several rows I put the block not
contiguous with various spaces between the rows. As compared to rows
where the block are contiguous and touching. The contiguous rows are so
much easier to mow because you just follow the outside edge for one clean
mower cut but the noncontiguous requires a weaving in and out or a trimmer
once the mowing operation is ended.

So if you use the concreteblock as an aid in the MowerMethod of Farming
then those block should be contiguous.

Some of my watermelon are now leafing out inside the concreteblock and
some of the tomatoes are twice as tall as corn that is not inside block.

For potatoes I like the 16X12X8 block instead of the 16X8X8 since potatoes
need more space. This year I had the trouble of having to use store bought
potatoes and cut the eyes. I do not like that because stores spray their potatoes

with some chemical inhibitor of eye sprouting (yes we ingest that chemical
whenever eating nonorganic potatoes).

I may end up staking my tomatoes (for the first time) because I have found
wire type baskets that you push into the ground with its 3 wire prongs that is
fast and efficient so as to keep the tomatoes away from the mower.

Archimedes Plutonium,
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies