"Buzzy" wrote in message
.. .
Hi All,
I just went outside and checked my slug traps made with margarine
containers and beer and I've caught about a dozen so far. It works
great!! Of course, I've been enjoying the other four bottles of brew
from a six pack while I've been slug hunting and I was wondering, is
there anything I can use as a substitute for beer in the containers
considering it's pretty expensive for beer here in southwestern Ontario?
Maybe yeast and water (assuming that it's the brewers yeast that
attracts them). Thanks!
... Buzzy's Stall Wall ...
"Have You Tried Freeware?"
Hey Buzzy!
Answer 1 - Carling Black Label beer has been on sale at The Beer Store for a
while now, $23.95 for a twofer, much better than the 33.95 for Labatt Blue!
Answer 2 - My sister got this slug solution from somewhere. It requires you
to spray it on the slugs, so it involves work.
1 part ammonia to 7 parts water. Patrol garden morning and night in early
spring. spray slugs directly. They shrivel up and die.
My sister has an extensive hosta garden, and slugs are a real problem for
her. She now swears by this little mixture.