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Old 06-06-2003, 10:56 PM
Lee Brouillet
Posts: n/a
Default Heavy Duty Pond Liner

Now THAT'S a POND! How lovely! and I really dig the mermaids. It would be a
lot of work on a pond that size, but you could go around the edge of the
pond, dig a little trench, lay the liner down inside it, then put the
dirt/sod back over (essentially "naturalizing" the edge). God only knows
it's too big to put rocks around the edge G!

The liner appears to be EPDM. I know there are ways of piecing it, but I've
never done it. One of the more ingenious ways I heard of to "moosh" the two
pieces together, after having put the bonding stuff on, was to lay it out in
the driveway and run a car wheel back and forth over the seam.
Alternatively, perhaps the company that installed your folk's pond could
seam it for him? It sounds like they probably galvanized the pieces together
.. . .

Great pond!


"fastfwd" wrote in message
Ok, I took a couple of pictures of it. I don't know what it is, but I
believe it is about as heavy duty as it gets for water retention. I
remember them saying something about there being laws for containing pig
waste that were really strict and this stuff is made to do the trick. You
can see the seam that has been melted between the two sheets. Once it had
been joined they could pull large sections of this stuff around without
worrying about any of it tearing.

This stuff was installed in a pretty big yard pond:

it's pretty ugly exposed too!

A sickened mind and spirit
The mirror tells me lies
Could I mistake myself for someone
Who lives behind my eyes
Will he escape my soul
Or will he live in me
Is he tryin' to get out or tryin' to enter me