a few other tomato tips
one thing is that tomato set fruit in ONLY particular temperture ranges -
and these are NIGHT time temps not daytime temps
for instance early fruit - early girl etc, set when the temps are in the
high 30's but as the nighttime temps increase they slow down and even stop
Now the big boys, - set above 50 but not above 70's at night - so you have
to get your plants growing during that time period of night time temps
Remember for indeterminate tomatoes - they have to grow to create fruit -
basically they are vines, if they are not growing then they cannot produce
Determinate - bush tomato/paste tomatos - grow to a particular size and
produce a large flush of fruit
the wows help you get an EARLY start, start to getting the plant growing
during those nighttime temp ranges.
"Anne Lurie" wrote in message
In addition to the points that Wes Dukes mentioned in another response,
sometimes used the Wall o Water (WOW) as "really big dripper" by filling
interior of the WOW with water. It doesn't leak out too much around the
edges, so most of the water is absorbed by the ground around the plant,
rather than running off. I have really sandy soil, so it's difficult to
maintain "water basins" around the plants.
Filling the tubes of a WOW without having it tip over can be a little
tricky; I put a 5-gal. bucket upside down over a plant, then put the WOW
around the bucket to fill it.
Anne Lurie
NE Raleigh
"Lance R." wrote in message
"Daniel B. Martin" wrote in message
.. .
What is wall o waters?
A sort of miniature plastic greenhouse.
See http://www.veseys.com/store.cfm?product=850
Thanks. So its basically just plastic filled with water that surrounds
plant base? Interesting.