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Old 03-06-2003, 01:56 PM
Jonathan Ward
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Default snakes head fritilaria: germination

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Last year some one was kind enough to put me right on how to germinate
some cyclamans from seed.

This year I would like to have a go with some Snakes heads that have
set seed.

Collect the seed, sow them, keep moist, keep outside but not waterlogged
over winter, and they will come up like grass next spring.

Grow them in pots for a couple of years before finally planting out.
Kay Easton

Edward's earthworm page:

Ok I'm ready to plant out. The three year old plants flowered this year (in
compost contrary to earlier advice, so I was probably lucky). The leaves have
now died back, so when should I plant out? I am on heavy clay so should I pout
some gravel under them?

Jonathan Ward
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