Sierra Club Does not get the Real Problem of the Enviroment
Oh come on not that one! I am from the USA tribe.
This argument ignores the concept of "nation". There was no such thing as
the political entity known as the American nation until the Founding Fathers
created it in 1776. Furthermore, there are not grades of citizenship. One is
either a citizen of this country, or one is not. We are not more or less
citizens of the United States based on the number of generations preceding
us on these shores.
And, particularly, we are not more or less citizens of this country based on
our skin color or ethnicity.
Because my ancestors immigrated to this continent 5 or 6 generations ago
does not make me a "truer American" than someone who took the Oath of
Allegience yesterday. Nor are Indians "truer Americans" than I simply
because their ancestors immigrated before mine did.
Just like the Comanche's came in and created a private hunting empire that
covered the western half of Oklahoma, all of central and western Texas,
eastern New Mexico, and southwest Kansas, with part of Southeastern Colorado
by driving off and killing all the other tribes, the Europeans came in and
drove the Indians away. This is how every nation was built, by invasion and
conquering. No current culture is inocent when this who was here first.
This is a very unless argument.
wrote in message
Are you a native american? What tribe?
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 13:26:08 GMT, in alt.rec.hiking "Gary"
I don't think you are getting it Jeff. Without immigration we would have
had a steady and probably declining population around 2015. Our current
citizens do not reproduce enough to replace thier own population. Most
industrialized nations do not. The only reason that the net housing
is going up is because of immigration. You make it sound like a crime to
have natural borned kids in our country. we need more of this with our
values and cultures and less of the immigration with there homeland
and culture. I kind of like this coutry that was built of God and hard
and plan to pass it on to my FOUR great American girls.
"Jeff Strickland" wrote in message
"Fred Elbel" wrote in message
On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 09:32:55 -0800, "Jeff Strickland"
...until [immigration reduction] happens, we are facing huge
Hi, Jeff:
Yes, I have to agree.
If we manage to shut down all illegal immigration tomorrow, we will
have a very large bubble of population to work through.
Let me point that illegal immigration is certainly a component of the
problem. But *legal* immigration alone is a million per year and
needs to be reduced in order to achieve U.S. population