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Old 02-06-2003, 10:20 PM
Rodger Whitlock
Posts: n/a
Default snakes head fritilaria: germination

On Mon, 02 Jun 2003 08:58:09 +0100, wrote:

Last year some one was kind enough to put me right on how to germinate
some cyclamans from seed.

This year I would like to have a go with some Snakes heads that have
set seed.

I have done a google but most of the hits were just wanting to sell me
the plants / seeds.

If anyone could recommend the correct treatment I would be grateful.

Fill a pot with a soil-based compost, say JIS. Use something
moderately deep, not a shallow seed pan. Scatter the ripe seeds
on the surface, cover with about 1/4" coarse sand, water well,
and put in a shaded coldframe. Germination next spring, 2004.
Leave in pot until the summer 2005, then plant the young bulbs
out after the foliage yellows. Don't let the pot go bone dry;
Fritillaria meleagris is a moisture lover and doeesn't take
desiccation very well.

Important to use a soil-based compost, as the seeds, later
seedlings, will be in the pot for two years; soilless composts
break down sooner than that.

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada