snakes head fritilaria: germination
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02-06-2003, 04:57 PM
Jim W
Posts: n/a
snakes head fritilaria: germination
jane wrote:
On 2 Jun 2003 08:42:38 GMT,
(Nick Maclaren) wrote:
~In article ,
~| Last year some one was kind enough to put me right on how to germinate
~| some cyclamans from seed.
~| This year I would like to have a go with some Snakes heads that have
~| set seed.
~| I have done a google but most of the hits were just wanting to sell me
~| the plants / seeds.
~| If anyone could recommend the correct treatment I would be grateful.
~Shake some onto the ground and ignore them - that is what I do,
~and they have semi-naturalised.
~As far as growing in pots, I don't know, but I would sow some in
~the summer and leave the pots out over winter, and would save
~some indoors for spring sowing. ONE of the three methods should
I tried this a couple or so years ago. Just scattered the seeds on the
surface of some compost and left the tray in a corner. When I
remembered it was there, I had a tray of what looked like grass (oh
and liverworts :-I which I 'weeded'). The bigger cormlets are now
about a cm across and the leaves are perceptively thicker. I guess in
a year or two I may well get flowering sized corms.
I may do some more this year as there are a lot of seed pods on my
mature plants.
Yes seed on these seems to be exceptionally good this year, or at least
it is here.
I also have crocus seed and a load of cyclamen seed which I keep meaning
to do things with!-)
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