Fire Blight
In article , Larry Caldwell
I have a couple apple trees infected with fire blight. I want to prune
the diseased limbs off, and know I should disinfect my pruning tools to
keep from spreading the disease to healthy trees.
So what do I use to disinfect the tools? Paint thinner? I have a big
propane burner, but don't want to take the temper out of my tools or melt
fiberglass handles.
Use a strong bleach solution. Dip the tool between each cut. Burn the
prunings. Fire blight is a real PITA. Bees can spread it when they
pollinate, IIRC.
Okay, this is out of a Rodale gardening book: it's a bacterial disease, spread
by rain and insects into flowers, where it spreads throughout the tree.
.... Cut diseased branches 3-12" below infected area during dormant season
(depending on plant size).
Jan (a Master Gardener)