Dahlias don't like clay, they should have good drainage. if they have not sent
up shoots yet, you might dig them up and fill the holes with compost and plant
the tubers in the compost and a little noontime shade doesn't hurt them either.
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"seepnezorf1" wrote in message
I just planted some dahlias....Thomas Edison. The soil they're in is rather
clumpy and clay like...but they'd get direct sun for 8 hours and up in the
NE we've had a very wet spring. I planted them as directed 6 inches deep
and loosened up about two inches of soil underneath the bulbs. Now when
covering them...does the soil need to be packed down or left fairly loose?
Since there is about 1/2 an inch of mulch in the location I packed down the
soil and then covered it with the mulch. Now I'm wondering if the
compacting of the soil was a bad thing and if the bulbs will end up rotting.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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