I have some Scott's brand lawn fertilizer. I like it because it is slow
nitrogen in granular form and I like it because I can walk around wearing
gloves and pitch the granular fertilizer.
I do not remember what the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium numbers are for
this Scott's brand fertilizer. Probably 10 nitrogen. Will find out today.
What I do need to know is what equivalency there is between a sack of
fertilizer to that of weed/grass mower clippings? Are they equivalent by
as per the nitrogen? I need to know how wide a row spacing needs to be in
to mow the grass/weeds and to properly fertilize the crop row throughout
I do know that corn requires more mowed clippings as fertilizer than does
soybeans. But I need quantitive data as to the fertilizer content of mowed
clippings. And I would not be surprized at all to find that no scientist to
has done the work of finding out what that equivalency is. Not suprized
the 20th century farming with its huge emphasis on petrol and chemicals for
farming that data as to simply using weeds as fertilizer would be
data and research and information.
When farming uses tons and tons and tons of herbicide, and someone
comes along and says, hey, that is silly when all you need to do is mow
between rows and you have your weed and fertilizer problem solved in
one stroke.
Archimedes Plutonium,
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies