Instead of calling this new method the ConcreteBlock method let us call
by its more appropriate names -- MowingFarming. Or call it Renewable
Farming since never any herbicide or fertilizer is bought and used.
The ConcreteBlock are really not needed to do Mowing farming or to do
this RenewableFarming because if one is careful enough they can mow
between rows of a crop without ever mowing and damaging the crop and
can weed and shear without ever using any concreteblock.
The ConcreteBlock in RenewableFarming is meant to aid and assist the
when he mows the weeds/grasses that will make the fertilizer. The
Block make it easier to farm so that the farmer can more easily mow,
plant etc etc.
And for poor countries that cannot afford concreteblock for its farmers,
they need not have any in order to farm this method. They just have to
be more careful.
The essence of RenewableFarming is to space the crop so that the weeds
grasses between the crop is mowed and this mowed clippings become the
fertilizer of the crop. Thus in one stroke is eliminated the need to
a herbicide and the need to apply fertilizer in the PetrolBased Farm
And since herbicide and fertilizer is never needed, there is no need for
tractor or any heavy equipment. We eliminate all petrol using machinery.
In fact, the cost of a excellent Honda lawnmower that does run on petrol
is cheaper in taking care of a acre of land in mowing during the summer
the cost of herbicide and fertilizer and the application thereof.
The reason for this post is that the essence of this new way of farming
is not
to be framed around the ConcreteBlock but rather the essence of this new
way is that we eliminate herbicide and fertilizer in farming by the
practice of
mowing the weeds and grasses between crop rows. In Renewable Farming
we never need to apply herbicide or fertilizer to our farm fields.
Archimedes Plutonium,
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies