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Old 23-11-2002, 07:31 PM
Lion Kuntz
Posts: n/a
Default Scientists agree world faces MASS EXTINCTIONS

Roger Coppock wrote in message ...
( removed from address list.)

What does this posting have to do with global warming? The
article doesn't even discuss possible links between anthropogenic
global warming and extinctions.

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Global Warming is one of the threats to Endangered Species.

Deforestation is a threat to Endangered Species.

Deforestation is a contributor to Climate Change Injury on a much more
accelorated basis than Green House Gases.

People who keep forgetting the connectedness between forestry
depletion, consequent droughts, subsequent stress on habitat, related
injury to ecosystem webs, need to be reminded from time to time that
abstract instrumentation measures of gases and spot temperatures are
less important than actively defending ones life-support systems.

"Global Warming" has become a code word like "ecology" is a codeword.
Ecology technically means "study of [a] biotic habitat system[s]", but
is used interchangably to describe dynamic habitats as in "Oil Spills
Harm the Ecology". A large majority of readers understands that oil
spills do not harm the STUDY of habitats -- they harm the actual
habitat. Whenever the majority makes a decision on word/term usage it
is foolish to oppose the trend.

By the same token, "Global Warming" has come to mean "Climate Change
Injury". Those whom have professional interests in purity of the term
can exercise no power or control over the majority usage. People don't
much care if the world gets a few degrees hotter UNLESS that will
cause INJURY to their interests. So people say "Global Warming" when
they mean the DIRE EFFECTS of global warming.

Those who understand the science of global warming greenhouse gases
are out of touch with the biology people affected by habitat
destruction, deforestation, and the subsequent pain inflicted on
SHORTAGES largely due to adverse and severe weather. This is not an
abstract debate: this is a genuine struggle for power -- those who
benefit from the status quo propagandizing against those who intend to
change the destructive behaviors. With estimated 12,000,000 sociopaths
(pathological anti-social behavior disease) in the USA, there are no
doubt some whom have been elected to high office, and some who hold
prestigeous science positions of status.

There are so many sociopaths that more than a few have computers and
exercise their diseased logic on usenet newsgroups.

Fixing the "ecology" and fixing "global warming" is not a unanimous
consent process: there will be sociopaths opposing and complaining and
disinforming and sowing confusion. It merely takes resolve, courage,
fortitude, intelligence, and wide education to defeat the sociopaths,
and that is what you are seeing. They are a powerful but tiny
