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Old 29-05-2003, 05:32 PM
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Default abc for newcomers to uk.rec.gardening

In article , K

"Mike" wrote in message
: In article , K
: writes
: Another reminder that it's half term and the children are bored.
: Meaning?
: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
That they've got nothing better to do than post with language like that,
because they think they are being awfully clever.


No, it means that they do not have command of the Queen's English and
thus showing that they are 'not' very clever. They also do not have
control of their own emotions if they have to resort to fowl language

I have no time for anyone who stoops to using fowl, (or is it foul?)
language as I have expressed before when King Net Nanny used such
language at me on a newsgroup.


Forthcoming reunions. H.M.S.Collingwood Association Chatham May 30th - June 2nd
British Pacific Fleet Hayling Island Sept 5th - 8th
Castle Class Corvettes Assn. Isle of Wight. Oct 3rd - 6th.
R.N. Trafalgar Weekend Leamington Spa. Oct 10th - 13th. Plus many more