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Old 27-05-2003, 08:08 PM
Simon Avery
Posts: n/a
Default Petrol strimmer recommendations

(jane) wrote:

Hello jane

j I very much appreciate this thread, chaps, having been
j losing my cordless battery strimmer for weeks to dying
j battery life and an inability to cut through nettles (and
j anything else by the end). After reading this I had no
j problem in going out and getting the cheap and cheerful
j McCulloch (which had better not break now as I recycled the
j rather large box this morning!).

Welcome to the green coated smelly bunch of strimmer owners.

j ~Buy eye protection and wear it!
j Did. Thanks. Didn't take specs for granted as sufficient as
j I've been wont to do in the past. Will help in decorating
j too.

I wear specs too, and enough ricochets off your forehead, nose etc to
get in your eye. Mesh guards stop the faster and heavier stuff, but
you still need to clean your glasses after a while.

Perspec visors/goggles. Buggers in sunlight, can't see a thing after
five minutes cutting

j jane tries to start engine
j Primes fuel feed. Pulls cord.
j rev. nada. rev. nada. rev. "Work you b*gger". nada. rev.
j "come on, you only get six tries".nada. REV!!!! nada. jane
j gets agitated rev... nada. turns down choke anyway and
j tries again rev. "Come on, dammit!" rev. "ARGH" rev.
j Splutter. rev. fires and dies. rev. fires at last. jane
j breathes sigh of relief and cheers

Ahhh! Flooded it.

Prime (if needed).
Close choke. Set half-throttle if available.
Pull until you get a rev, or fire.
Open choke, leave throttle at half.
Pull until it runs.

If you think you've flooded it, give it half a dozen pulls with the
throttle full on and choke open. If that doesn't work, leave it for
half an hour, or whip the plug out and dry. (Note "open choke" means
it's in its normal running position.)

Them's the "rules" - but 2-strokes are temperamental things, even
nowadays, although they are much better than they used to be. So play
around, find something that works for "your" machine and if it needs
an extra pull with choke closed after it catches, so be it. People
form definate relationships with their 2-stroke engines.

Simon Avery, Dartmoor, UK Ý