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Old 26-05-2003, 01:32 PM
Pat Meadows
Posts: n/a
Default cherry/grape tomatoe good for container garden?

On Sun, 25 May 2003 22:16:39 GMT,
(Frogleg) wrote:

On 25 May 2003 19:39:51 GMT,
(Two x over) wrote:

was wondering if anyone could offer a good cherry or grape tomatoe variety that
would be good for a deck/container garden?

Best to investigate the habits of a particular plant. There are medium
sized fruit varieties that remain compact and suitable for containers,
and cherry types whose indeterminate plants will grow 5-6'. That is,
the size of the fruit is often unrelated to the size of the plant. I'd
look for something described as a "patio" tomato. Of course, if you
have nice big pots and a way to erect supports of some sort, your
choice is virtually unlimited.

We grew a Yellow Pear tomato in a container on our deck last
year, sort of accidentally. I hadn't planned on it, but got
the plant free from a nursery as it had been frost-bitten -
so I stuck it in a pot. And it grew and grew and grew.

When it got to the stage (over five feet tall) where I was
watering it three times a day, we transplanted it into a big
Rubbermaid storage container (22 gallon tub) and gave it a
cage for support. Transplanting such a monster wasn't easy!

It was a good thing we had the Yellow Pear, as those were
really the only ripe tomatoes (except a very few) that we
got last season. Last season was a disastrous tomato-year

This year, though, I've started my own seeds and have plants
(in WalloWaters) with blossoms already. If we don't get a
late frost, we'll have lots of tomatoes soon. Fingers
