Thread: Rabbit bait
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Old 25-05-2003, 04:20 AM
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Default Rabbit bait

rabbits love pansies, basil, sage, herbs, bananas.......

at least our pet rabbits do.....I know the wild rabbits seem to love my
herbs and pansies as well.

what do you do with the rabbit once you trap it? Take it to another


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Henry Ward Beecher

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Beatrix Potter

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
William Butler Yeats

"Don Dickson" wrote in message
In article ,

peanut butter. apples and apple juice. Ingrid

Don Dickson wrote:

Has anyone had any success with live trapping rabbits? If so what
did you use for bait?

Will peanut butter work on rabbits too? I've had great succss on
squirrels and chipmunks with peanut butter but I didn't think of
using it for rabbits.

Apples seem like a good suggestion. Thanks for your help.

Don Dickson

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