"Archimedes Plutonium" wrote in message
Recently I posted a thread about the use of the regular concrete block
of 16 X 8 X 8 for gardens and farming. It is a great idea and now want
to talk about it
in detail as I am running experiments on this approach. In the future
petrol is scarce this is (I feel) the maximum means of farming. I am
talking about the Optimal Strategy in VonNeumann Gametheory in
And I believe all of agriculture has an OS of farming. In the future
when petrol is rare and expensive and when fusion engineering realizes
there will never be
Fusion Electric Power Plants (Fusion Barrier Principle). Then in that
future time
agriculture will have to become MAXIMIZED for efficiency. And that is
I believe Concrete Block will be the theme and focus of farming. Also,
planet Earth needs to have a limited amount of human population where I
guessing the magic number is 2 billion people. I just wonder how many
block this planet needs for agriculture for that of 2 billion people.
What a beautiful quantization of agriculture. Quantized by concrete
building blocks.
WHAT IT IS: It is the placement of concreteblock on land surface wherein
one of the holes of the block is placed the seed or small plant. The
block thence
protects the plant and marks the plant where it is. The block are spaced
that a human driven push mower, either human muscle or draft animal so
the block protects the plant whenever the pushmower is drawn through the
spacings. The clipped weeds and grass become the fertilizer. So, in this
farming there never needs be applied fertilizer for the clippings
provide all
the fertilizer. There never needs be applied herbicides because the
weeds are
encouraged to grow for more clippings as fertilizer. There is the
of more people working on the farm to hand weed the block where the
plant is in. I either hand weed or use a shears carefully.
What IT WILL Change: In this Concrete Block future farming there will
be no need for farm equipment such as tractors or combines or any other
heavy equipment. There will be no need to buy any petrol. No need to
buy any fertilizer. No need to buy any herbicides. There will be more
working in farming. There will be a need for horses and donkeys again.
And it may also eliminate the need for most insecticides because the
can be diversified instead of one kind of crop.
Experiments So Far: On all of the tomatoes planted inside a
cover, all of them are doing fine. Those planted without a concrete
cover, over 50% are dead because of either birds pulling up the pot in
of worms or because of too much sunlight moving from indoors to
Caveat: none of the seeds planted in the concreteblock have emerged yet.
if the seed have a tougher time of emerging may have to remedy the
problem by
placing the block to the side until emerged.
Here in the USA, concreteblock of 16X8X8 cost about $1.20 apiece. So to
an acre of these block spaced for the mower to go lengthwise and
widthwise is
not cheap. But then again, paying for petrol and tractor and all the
other farm
machinery and paying for herbicides and insecticides and fertilizer are
not cheap.
I remember a TV show about some NorthDakota farmers having trouble with
weed that is costing them $80. per acre to spray with herbicides just to
it. So the herbicide costs more than any viable crop. In the future,
there will be
not just one of these weeds beyond the price of control but many of them
resistant to herbicides. This type of situation is a perfect test for
the ConcreteBlock method of farming. If we take that NorthDakota
infestation of
$80 weeds fields and put concrete block spaced so that a lawnmower can
go through easily. Then we use that weed as a natural fertilizer for the
crop plant inside the block.
Archimedes Plutonium,
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies
When energy is dear hydauic cemtent to make concrete blocks become dearer
On some thinks you have enoght knowlege to make an agrument the looks
reasonable or bit. You know so little about the engey balace of agricuture
that any preschool farm kid can see thorought it.