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Old 03-02-2003, 05:27 AM
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Default Free Akebia vine to a good home (or bad, I don't care)

I wouldn't mind trying it, but it's a long drive up there from the High Mojave

In This Universe The Night was Falling,The Shadows were lenghtening
towards an east that would not know another dawn.
But elsewhere the Stars were still young and the light of morning lingered: and
along the path he once had followed, Man would one day go again.

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"Brian & Mary Bigler" wrote in message
I'm making some changes in my yard and have an Akebia vine I'd like to give
away. I'm in a northern Seattle, Washington suburb, if you're interested.

This vine species grows quickly and produces an abundance of unusual flowers
that are fragrant. I've cut it back to about three feet, but it can be cut
to the ground and will come back with gusto. Given the best conditions,
it'll grow to 30 feet, but I've had it at about six feet growing laterally
on a trellis.
Best regards,
Brian Bigler

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