Thread: Koi and Toxins
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Old 23-05-2003, 05:20 AM
Benign Vanilla
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Default Koi and Toxins

"Jim Key" wrote in message
My contractor used Latipoxy 310 non-sag and quick set made by
Laticrete to install a waterfall in my fish pond. I moved the fish
to a holding tank for 24 hours while the epoxy cured. When I returned
the fish to the pond they all died within an hour. The plastic
holding tank where I moved the fish to revive them has become so
poisoned that I have not been able to keep any feeder goldfish in it.
They die in minutes. The one waterlilly that was in the pond is
showing distress on all it's leaves.

I have contacted the manufacturer by email to see what poisons I may
be dealing with but thought that the experience of this newsgroup
might be a better start.

My interim actions have been multiple drain and fills, each time
checking with feeder goldfish. I have also turned off the waterfall
and "painted" all the exposed epoxy with silicone caulk. I have had
no ill effects when using this caulk on other areas of the pond and
filter. I have still not turned the waterfall back on and won't until
I clear the toxins in the pond.

I am not the sue happy type, but something about this screams legal action
to me. If for no reason but to put this guy out of business.