Thread: Pest Killer
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Old 22-05-2003, 10:56 PM
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Default Pest Killer

Until 2 years ago my vegetable patch was fertile and productive.
Since then yields range , depending upon the particular crop, from
zero to 10 %.
Root crops, carrot, parsnip, radish - produce no more than 1 % of
plants and those pathetically small.
Peas, beans, brassica plants all struggle to grow - when I examine
them I find that they have very weak root systems.
I am convinced that some underground beasties are eating them.
I also have noticed a scattering of surface holes of about 1-2 mm
One factor which may be relevant is that 3-4 years ago I started
applying large amounts of horse manure (encouraged by the fact that it
was available free of charge) However, I haven't applied any for at
least one year.
If anyone can suggest a diagnosis , and preferably prescribe a cure ,
I will be eternally grateful :-)
Otherwise, I can think of nothing other than a chemical sterilization.
Hence my original question - what chemical to use ?

On Thu, 22 May 2003 20:02:12 +0100, "Drakanthus" wrote:

Is there anything which I can use on my vegetable patch which will
kill all ground-living insects ?

That doesn't sound like a good idea - killing both useful and harmful
insects. If anything was that toxic it killed all ground living insects I
certainly wouldn't want to eat any veg grown there!

Are there some particular pests you want to get rid of?


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