Sometimes the robins hang around because it's easier pickings in cities than
it is out in the wild. the chickadees that have the territory and market
cornered at the local McD's will bear me out on that one. I've seen the
little things eating french fries!
don't worry, there'll be more. My cats do the same with me with those
precious finches that I've lured to the 7 bird feeders hanging on the
pawlonia branches. Some were so little and precious it broke my heart, but
they're cats after all and if they're this slow, something else would have
gotten them out here, like an owl, or hawk........I still scold Pesters
anyway, and now especially since he's trying to teach his new little
brudder, Polluxx who has the grace of a drunken moose on a tight
"Betsy" -0 wrote in message
Yup. Here in Balmer, Marelun, where it's been below 32 for several weeks
and below 20 for a good portion of that time, and only the last two days
been above freezing.
But it's sad
because of where I saw it--which was my living room floor.
Yup, the cats brought it in through the cat door and left it as a lovely
present for me. Then they tried to blame it on the dog (he's outnumbered)
and I have to admit, the dog didn't look very innocent, nose covered with
feathers & gore as it was. Yuk.
Now before you flame me I hasten to say my cats cannot leave their own
yard, so are not a threat to other gardens. And I love birds and all
animals great and small, and am grieving at the loss of this fellow (he
a BIG bird, too) as I vacuum up the many feathers strewn across my living
room. Seems they had quite a romp while I was out today.
My question: what in the WORLD was a robin doing here in Baltimore at
time of year? Don't they migrate south for the winter?
May he rest in peace (sniff).