Some advice would be appreciated for a novice gardener. I'm growing
courgettes from seed in a mix of soil and potting compost, and in an
unheated conservatory - in East London. The plants are growing strongly
the lower two leaves have turned a distinct yellow and the upper leaves
also yellowing. They get plenty of sun and are watered daily. I realise
I have to plant them out for pollination or d.i.y. with a cotton bud.
Is the yellowing normal?
and any general tips welcome.
Assuming they are getting enough sunlight and they are not exposed to
extremes of temperature, it sounds like you may be over-watering them. I
suggest you leave them outside now during the day time to harden off,
bringing them in overnight. I got mine hardened off outside a week ago now,
they seem to prefer being outside in the fresh air. Beware frosts though -
there is still time for a late frost.
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