"Berob" wrote:
Weed and Feed products are NEVER pre-emergents.
then animaux wrote:
http://www.scotts.com/index.cfm?poeS...seacti on=Pro
Scotts' Madison Avenue types really messed up that website. It says:
'Lawn Weed & Feed - Nourish your lawn while you stop broadleaf and
grassy weeds. Deliver even and gradual nutrients plus guaranteed
pre-emergent herbicides to your lawn.'
If you actually go on to read the site, the premergence product is
'Scotts(R) Turf Builder(R) With Halts(R) Crabgrass Preventer' in which the
active ingredient is: 1.71% Pendimethalin, a preemergence herbicide that
does not kill weeds.
"America's favorite weed and feed" is 'Scotts(R) Turf Builder(R) With PLUS
2(R) Weed Control' in which the active ingredients a 1.21% 2,4-D,
0.61% MCPP, neither of which is a preemergence product.
Premergence products include:
1) Balan (benefin)
* Statesman Crabgrass Control for Established Lawns 1.72% G
* Lebanon Balan 2.5% G
* Pennington Penngreen Crabgrass Preventer 2.5% G
2) Team (benefin + trifluralin)
* Ace Crabgrass Preventer with Fertilizer 1.25% G on 25-3-10
* Fertilome Crabgrass Preventer & Lawn Food 1.15% G on 28-3-3
* Hi-Yield Crabgrass Control 2% G
* KGro Premium Crabgrass Preventer Plus Fertilizer 1.25% G on 28-3-4
* Lebanon Team 2% G
* Lebanon 20-3-5 with Team 1.16% G
* Sta-Green Crabgrass Preventer, Team 2.5% G
* Sta-Green Crabgrass Preventer plus Fertilizer, Team 1.28% G
* Wal-Mart Super Team Crabgrass Preventer plus Lawn Fertilizer 1.25% G
on 18-3-6
3) Halts (pendimethalin)
* Scotts Halts Crabgrass Preventer 1.71% G
* Scotts Turf Builder plus Halts 1.21% G on 28-3-4
None are weed and feed products. That is because the preemergence
products are aimed at crabgrass seeds and not weeds. They could be
called deseed and feed. Never expect a preemergence product to kill
weeds. They don't.
Pardon my spam deterrent; send email to
Cheers, Steve Henning in Reading, PA USA