Torsten Brinch wrote in message
On Thu, 09 Jan 2003 16:53:55 +0000 (GMT),
("David G. Bell") wrote:
Just putting off a tractor replacement for a year could be worth GBP
on Cash Income,
It is a valid point that postponement of replacements might
skew numbers assuming many do it in unison, and when incomes are
volatile in rock bottom times they might. However, I think this is
not a field where we can expect perfect measures, the question must
be whether the effect you point to is likely to have skewed numbers
to render the measure useless for its purpose.
to chose a particularly bad measure and then bewail the fact that we
cannot expect perfect measures seems particularly asinine
Jim Webster
"The pasture of stupidity is unwholesome to mankind"
'Abd-ar-Rahman b. Muhammad b. Khaldun al-Hadrami'