Pesticides and farm kids
Wayne Parrott wrote in message
Oz wrote:
Brian H. writes
The point I was attempting to make(obviously not very well) was
agricultural workers ingress unknown quantities of chemicals.
They shouldn't, unless they are both stupid and careless.
That is a really a very very limited world view. How about if the
farmers cannot read labels in English, or are illiterate and
and there no government agencies that enforce safety? In many
developing tropical countries, it is common to see pesticides applied
excess by folks who cannot readthe labels on the imported chemicals,
have no protective clothing,and who have no way to wash the residues
their person. There is a large world out there, and the
conditions are not always pretty.
don't worry, they suffer for a good cause, making large profits for UK
Jim Webster
"The pasture of stupidity is unwholesome to mankind"
'Abd-ar-Rahman b. Muhammad b. Khaldun al-Hadrami'