Casoron vs. Horsetail -- Your Advice?
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18-05-2003, 08:32 AM
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Casoron vs. Horsetail -- Your Advice?
On 13 May 2003 01:08:43 GMT,
(Marley1372) wrote:
The reason that casoron is not working on your horsetail is that casoron is a
PRE EMERGENT! It wont really have much effect on anything that is already
established. Casoron is a restricted use herbicide and isnt meant for
homeowners. Roundup would proably work better.
Casoron is not a restricted use herbicide and is available to
homeowners. It is used for horsetail suppression. Remember that
Casoron tends to move on slopes and will affect existing plants. Be
careful with it. Roundup does not work well on horsetail. Triclopyr
products have some effect on horsetail, but no non-restricted
herbicide available at this point works particularly well. Any kind of
control efforts will require constant vigilance over years.
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