18-05-2003, 03:20 AM
HELP I killed my grass with weed-n-feed!!!!
(MIchelle) expounded:
I truly appreciate all the wonderful responses to my post. After
reading all of the posts I feel even worse than I did when I realized
the results of my actions. I just have NO experience with gardening
or lawns AT ALL. I had never heard of a spreader, I did it with a cup
because to me, it seemed like it was the only way I could distribute
the weed n feed from the 50lb bag. Anyway, I obviously learned a very
hard and valuable lesson from all of this.
Michelle, don't take it all too hard, but one thing bothers me I
hadn't thought of before.....you used a cup, and tossed it, which
means you breathed in even more dust than using a spreader. Keep in
mind these are strong chemicals you're using, so it is extremely
important to read, read, read before you use any of them.
For that matter, don't use chemical lawn food at all. It gives the
lawn a huge jolt, the lawn grows like crazy and needs to be cut more
frequently, and then needs more fertilizer to maintain the look....as
well as water. A heavily (chemical) fertilized lawn requires more
water. If you use any of those products on a drought stressed lawn
you'll see similar results to what you've seen already.
I don't know where you are, but I've had good luck here in New England
with the Espoma products, which is an organic line of fertilizers. I
use it twice a year, spring and fall, and have a wonderful lawn. Take
care from now on, and good luck with your lawn!
Ann, Gardening in zone 6a
Just south of Boston, MA