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Old 17-05-2003, 05:56 PM
Tim Tyler
Posts: n/a
Default Would you buy these transgenic plants?

In uk.rec.gardening Sue & Bob Hobden wrote:
: "Tim wrote in message

: I also think GM food has great potential. For example, currently I suffer
: from the effects of many natural pesticides our food plants employ - the
: powerful acids in spinach - the phytoestrogens in legumes - and so on.
: Personally I can't wait for scientisits to genetically engineer some
: of the anti-nutrients out of the vegetables I eat - and use mechanical
: barriers - instead of toxic poisons - to prevent pests.

: You suffer from natural pesticides AND you want GM foods. I think you aught
: to study what genes they are transposing as a lot of them are those very
: "natural" pesticides you dislike.

Well, obviously you can make things worse as well as improve them.

It's the same with selective breeding of crops.

GM is similar to the breeding done under domestication - but more
powerful, fast and directed.

: Did you hear about Monsanto taking a farmer to court because his crops had
: been contaminated by their trials and their lorries carrying the their seed
: away. They accused him of stealing their product/research and they won!!!
: How arse about face is that.

I didn't, no.

Monsanto appear to me to be a company with a terrible track record, though.
|im |yler