I've just bought a tray of 6 spinach plants and a tray of 6 Early Gold
I don't really have much space in the ground for vegetables, but the trays
were only 80p each so I thought what the heck, it's worth a try.
Anyway, can spinach be planted in grow bags or in pots?
And what about sweet corn? I don't imagine sweet corn can be grown in
bags or large pots --- or can they? And can corn be grown outside in the
Manchester area or are they greenhouse plants?
Any hints or tips from anyone who has grown spinach or corn would be
Many thanks.
Spinach I grow every year in the vegetable plot. Not tried it in pots but I
guess it should be ok provided they are big enough. I'd say an 8 inch pot
minimum per plant would be about right. They like plenty of water and feed
such as Miracle Grow.
Sweetcorn I also grow outside in the veg plot, but this year I'm short of
space so am trying containers also. The containers are quite large (60+
litres each) with three plants per container. The containers are against a
South facing wall so should get enough sun and be warm. Sweetcorn grows
fairly tall - about 8 feet high in my garden in the Midlands, and needs
plenty of watering - so bear this in mind with your choice of container -
avoid one that would restrict root growth, blow over in the wind or simply
dry up on a sunny day.
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