Uist hedgehogs
"Jon Rouse" wrote in message
In article , Doreen
Taylor writes
We applied to rehome some hedgepigs, and were turned down, although we
already have two little houses ready for them. This was because of our
proximity to the A.12, which is at least a mile, mile and a half away and
they would have to cross several minor residential streets and
fields to reach it. We are backed by the local farmers` fields and open
countryside. Perhaps they mistook the hedgepigs for kangaroos!
Did you send a donation? I suspect that's why we were turned down. The
A61 is only a few hundred yards away, but there are buildings in
between, and the hedgehogs would have to be very unlucky to find the one
eight foot gap. At the other three sides are open fields, a park, an old
folks home and a churchyard. I suspect their real selection criterion is
the size of your wallet or purse.
Jon - cynical as ever.
And what did they say when you raised your suspicions with them?