Dead, all of them, fish and tadpoles:(
I lurk here, so please pardon me for butting in on this one, but I know from
my fish tank keeping experience that using an ammonia neutralizer, such as
Amquel can be detrimental as you are screwing w/the natural cycle of things.
When you have a tank you need to add living things slowly so the tank can
cycle and the appropriate little goodies can grow - ie the ones that will
take care of your ammonia problem. If you use an amquel product you rid the
tank of what those beneficials need to grow and, thus, be able to control
your ammonia.
Would it not be the same for cycling a pond?
Thanks for the info,
"jammer" j@mmer wrote in message
I know not of this amquel, but i can figure it out. Where does one get
it? Walmart? Pool supply store? ? And i have done that water change
throughout the week with needing water for aquarium and pool, so do i
still change it again, and if so weekly or monthly or what? And i do
use de-chlor.
On Mon, 12 May 2003 22:21:03 GMT, "Nedra"
Do a water change right now! I would guess 15% to 20%.
Be sure to add De-chlor/Amquel!