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Old 16-05-2003, 03:20 PM
Thomas Palm
Posts: n/a
Default Only 10 percent of big ocean fish remain

Oz wrote:

Thomas Palm writes
Oz wrote:

To be honest the problem has been well aired by marine scientists for
decades. I don't think eco-green groups consider it much of a

I don't know where you live,


but here in Sweden it has been a big
issue for many years among our major environmental groups and there
has at least been some effect on what kind of fish people buy.

Compared to pretty well all other envrio activities (banning foxhunting,
GM, radioactivity, fuel, CO2 etc etc) it's barely had a mention.

In Sweden the vanishing cod has been a large subject.

There is little consumer activity (maybe dolphin-friendly tuna: a bit).

That has been much less of an issue in Sweden.

Which is a pity because it's one area where consumer power could have a
dramatic effect.

The public can select between species and boycott some overfished
ones, but by themselves they can't limit the fishing to a sustainable

Personally I see little alternative but to **totally** ban net fishing
in EU waters for a decade or so. I can't see this happening.

Buy an old submarine from North Korea and go out sinking fishing
ships like a modern captain Nemo? (Has anyone read the book about
overhunting of whales by Verne? I don't know if it has been translated
but it seems as if he was ahead of his times in that area too)