Xref: kermit rec.gardens:227221 uk.rec.gardening:142686
In uk.rec.gardening Sue & Bob Hobden wrote:
: "Tim wrote in message
: Bob wrote:
: : I would be interested BUT only if these plants were also made sterile,
: : as all GM plants should be.
: That's the luddite position.
: I don't think it will last - in the future most probably all living things
: will be "transgenic".
: Thanks for that, I'm therefore proud to be a "Luddite".
: Better than being responsible for the GM parsley fiasco in France, the GM
: Sweetcorn pollen fiasco in the UK. I wouldn't mind if it was an exact
: science but it isn't, even those doing it can't be certain about the outcome
: as the introduced gene often causes other dormant genes to react.
: I for one don't think we are knowledgeable enough yet to use GM outside the
: lab.
I think we are. There's no point in waiting forever.
GM plants have been quite successful outside the lab in some areas.
For example see this article on GM cotton:
I also think GM food has great potential. For example, currently I suffer
from the effects of many natural pesticides our food plants employ - the
powerful acids in spinach - the phytoestrogens in legumes - and so on.
Personally I can't wait for scientisits to genetically engineer some
of the anti-nutrients out of the vegetables I eat - and use mechanical
barriers - instead of toxic poisons - to prevent pests.
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